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Hvaða öld er í Moskvu?

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1 Smámynd: María Kristjánsdóttir

Rússland já, en hvað er að gerast í Kaupmannahöfn og Þýskalandi?

María Kristjánsdóttir, 28.5.2007 kl. 08:17

2 identicon

I don’t want to talk politics but I really feel that I should answer this comment. I am Russian and I try to learn Icelandic. One can say a lot about Russian politics and authorities and I can easily put up when foreigners disapprove of what the authorities here do. But I feel that there must be a clearly defined line between the people of Russia and its culture and history on the one side and Russia’s current authorities on the other. I believe that before one writes of an entire nation as “idiotic” and “uneducated” one has to educate oneself a little. Come to Moscow and see for yourself. There are educated and smart people here too. I suspect that such an attitude may come from some cultural differences though. Many Russians are apolitical and never associate themselves with what the politicians do or say. People just plain don’t care. It’s just the way of life here. The politicians live their lives and the people live their own lives. People in Scandinavia are much more politically engaged. But still I wouldn’t judge the Icelandic people by what some Icelandic politicians do or say. I don’t think that all Icelanders are cruel because some of them want to hunt whales, because I know that the matter is much more complicated than just that. As of the specific matter discussed in the news. The protest demonstration as well as an earlier application for a Gay Pride march were officially prohibited by the Mayor of Moscow who is a rather old man with his own homophobic attitudes that are so deep no one can dissuade him. He is a powerful man here and the police would do anything they are ordered. So everything that happens or does not happen is sanctioned by the authorities NOT the ordinary Russians. And it does not necessarily mean that the majority approves of it. As of homophobia in Russia. It is regretfully rampant, but education has little to do with it. It’s more about culture and different attitudes toward virility, individual freedom, and social prejudices. However, I am sure that prejudices come mostly of poor social conditions and every nation on earth has its own. Russia is changing and hopefully we will come to appreciate human freedoms more with time.

Baduk (IP-tala skráð) 28.5.2007 kl. 09:39

3 Smámynd: Svanfríður Lár

Takk fyrir ykkar innlegg öll. Þrymur ég er ekki hissa á þessu. Mér finnst bara skelfilegt að mannréttindi séu lítilsvirt og geri mér fulla grein fyrir þeim forréttindum sem við íslendingar búum við. 

María við þurfum ekki að fara lengra en til Færeyja.

Baduk, thank you for your very informing input here.  I know there are a lot of educated  people in Moscow and the majority are good people , thank god for that. In the coming years the gay community in Russia will have to fight for there rights and the only way to do so is by education and being loud and proud.  In Iceland the standard is one of the best in the world and we feel that it is our mission to take part in the world fight for human rights. In pointing to this article I am not judging your country or nation only the ugly act against civil rights and freedom.

Svanfríður Lár, 28.5.2007 kl. 14:48

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